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Since October 10th 2022 Landlords in some areas of Leicester need a license to be legally allowed to let their property
Need help with your Leicester Selective Licensing Application?
Leicester Landlords! Could you afford to hand back ALL the rent you've received for the last twelve months?
The Council is actively advising tenants on how to claim a RENT REPAYMENT ORDER
Inspectors are DOOR-KNOCKING to identify landlords in Selective Licensing areas
FINES for a first-offence are £5,000! Repeat and serious cases can be £30,000
Why choose Northwood ?
What do you need to know? Just WhatsApp Me
The acknowledged local expert in Selective Licensing
I own a couple of buy to lets in the Leicester area and found out about the Selective Licensing swizz from Northwood. I’d never heard of it before.
They were brilliant! Gosia's team explained what it was all about and what I needed to do. It is quite complicated and Northwood helped simplify things enormously.
I’m now in two minds as to whether I sell my properties and if I do, I will definitely come back to Northwood because I’m confident that they know the best ways to sell lets.
Bryan Thring, Oxfordshire
A Client's View:
WE'RE LANDLORDS OURSELVES - we understand the issues
Multiple completed applications for landlords
We can advise on how to secure discounts on your application
Arrange a free consultation about your situation with our expert team
Experts at getting non-compliant situations sorted
Save hours of work, and keep your property compliant
Remember: LCC say 70% of applications are incorrect - rely on our expertise
Visit Us:
Dimension House
3/4 Westbridge Close
Leicester, LE3 5LW
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Northwood have over 90 locally owned offices of letting and estate agents across the UK. Our property experts are always nearby when you need a hand.
Best Letting Agent in Leicester, year after year
Northwood Leicester Ltd registered in England and Wales - Registration Number 04334498 Registered Office: Dimension House, 3/4 Westbridge Close, Leicester, LE3 5LW